Problems with passwords

A user's password doesn't work

    Make sure the Caps Lock key is not pressed on the user's computer.
    If a user cannot log on with the usual password, check whether the password has expired. If it has, assign a new password.
    Consider setting a higher number (five to eight) of possible failed logon attempts.
    To set failed logon attempts:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to administer.
    2 Press the Users & Groups button and choose Configure Users & Groups.
    3 Select "Failed attempts before log on disabled" and enter a number.
    4 Click Save.

A user has forgotten his or her password

    Assign the user a new password.

An administrator has forgotten his or her password

    If there is more than one administrator for the computer, another administrator can reset the password.
    If there is only one administrator, use the Extensions Manager control panel to turn off the AppleShare IP Registry extension. Restart the computer, open the File Sharing control panel, and type a new password. Then use the Extensions Manager control panel to turn the AppleShare IP Registry extension back on and restart the computer.
    Use the owner's name and the new password to log on.


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