Problems with passwords
A user's password doesn't work
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Make sure the Caps Lock key is not pressed on the user's computer. |
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If a user cannot log on with the usual password, check whether the password has expired. If it has, assign a new password. |
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Consider setting a higher number (five to eight) of possible failed logon attempts. |
To set failed logon attempts: |
1 |
Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to administer. |
2 |
Press the Users & Groups button and choose Configure Users & Groups. |
3 |
Select "Failed attempts before log on disabled" and enter a number. |
4 |
Click Save. |
A user has forgotten his or her password
An administrator has forgotten his or her password
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If there is more than one administrator for the computer, another administrator can reset the password. |
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If there is only one administrator, use the Extensions Manager control panel to turn off the AppleShare IP Registry extension. Restart the computer, open the File Sharing control panel, and type a new password. Then use the Extensions Manager control panel to turn the AppleShare IP Registry extension back on and restart the computer. |
Use the owner's name and the new password to log on. |